The Chief Researcher of the Center, Professor Arkady Shanenko made an Invited Presentation at the authoritative international symposium "Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics" in Nizhny Novgorod.
The report was dedicated to a new phenomenon in superconducting systems, which is associated with an increase of superconductivity near the surface of a superconductor.
In ordinary perception, surface superconductivity is associated with the nucleation of a surface superconducting condensate in magnetic fields above the upper critical field in type II superconductors or with the rearrangement of phonon properties and electron-phonon coupling near the surface of a superconductor. It has recently been discovered that there is another example when the critical temperature of the surface layer of a superconducting condensate increases by 20-25% compared to the volume due to constructive interference of paired states. In his presentation, Professor Shanenko showed that such interference amplification can be much more pronounced, reaching almost 70%. He also demonstrated that this surface gain is present in a wide range of microscopic parameters.
The unusual nature of the phenomenon is due to the fact that this amplification has nothing to do with the formation of paired states localized near the surface. The phenomenon arises as a result of constructive interference of paired modes near the surface, despite the fact that these modes exist in the entire volume of the system. This phenomenon is a variant of the “surface ordering” predicted many years ago by Ginzburg and Bulaevsky.