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  • HSE University
  • Educational Departments
  • HSE Tikhonov Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (HSE MIEM)
  • Centre for Quantum Metamaterials
  • News
  • The scientists of the Center organized a separate session "Functional quantum materials" within the framework of the interuniversity scientific and technical conference named after E.V.Armensky/ The session is devoted to research in the fields of technology and new materials, mathematical and computer modeling, data analysis and artificial intelligence, and the use of new materials and breakthrough technologies in the creation of new generation electronic devices.

The scientists of the Center organized a separate session "Functional quantum materials" within the framework of the interuniversity scientific and technical conference named after E.V.Armensky/ The session is devoted to research in the fields of technology and new materials, mathematical and computer modeling, data analysis and artificial intelligence, and the use of new materials and breakthrough technologies in the creation of new generation electronic devices.

The session is chaired by the Chief Researcher of the Center, Professor A.A. Shanenko. 14 reports of young scientists from the HSE (Moscow), MIPT (Dolgoprudny), MEPhI (Moscow) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna) will be presented. The session will be opened by a well-known scientist, director of the Center for Advanced Methods of Mesophysics and Nanotechnology, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Stolyarov V.S. He will talk about the current state of research on new functional materials, structures based on them and work on their application in the emerging field of superconducting electronics. Young staff and graduate students of the Center will also speak at the session.

10.00 – 13.00, room 305, 3rd floor of the academic building, 34 Tallinskaya str.


Chairman: PhD, Chief Researcher of the Center,Professor Arkady Shanenko

Invited presentation : Stolyarov V.S., Ph.D., Professor, Director of the Center for Mesoscopic Physics at MIPT
Cryogenic memory based on Josephson vortices

Tyumenev R., Kalashnikov D.S., Shishkin A.G., Stolyarov V.S.
Moscow, MIPT, FSUE VNIIA named after N.L. Dukhov
Microwave generator based on the Josephson junction

Karabasov T. Vasenko A.
Moscow, HSE
Superconducting diode effect in topological hybrid structures

Kononova N.A.
Moscow, Higher School of Economics
Modeling of nanowires using nonstationary Ginzburg-Landau equations

Abzakh B.A. Vasenko A.S.
Moscow, Higher School of Economics
Investigation of the effect of structural disorder on the band gap of the halide pervoskite Ss2AdViVg6

Amirov E.S. Vasenko A.S.
Moscow, Higher School of Economics
Investigation of nonequilibrium processes in metal-superconductor tunnel contacts

13.30 – 17.00, room 305, 3rd floor of the academic building

Samatov M.R.
Moscow, Higher School of Economics
Study of atomic properties at the intergranular boundary in perovskite materials

Al-Onaizan M.H., Morchenko A.T., Vagov A.V.
The effect of indirect exchange interaction on the magnetic susceptibility of Cd3As2-MNAs

Glukhovtsev P.I. Nikonov E.G.
Moscow, Dubna University
Computer study of the nature of phase transitions in systems of charged particles limited by a potential with circular symmetry

Teixeira Saraiva T.
Moscow, Higher School of Economics
Dissipation and multiple characteristic lengths during dynamic events in dirty superconducting thin films

Neverov V.D., Kalashnikov A.V., Lukyanov A.E., Krasavin A.V., Kroitoru M.D.,Vagov A.V.
Moscow, NRU MEPhI, HSE
Accurate accounting of the magnetic field in the framework of the Bogolyubov- de Genet microscopic equations

Lukyanov A.E., Kovalev I.A., Neverov V.D., Krasavin A.V., Zhumagulov Ya.V., Kochan D.
Moscow, Regensburg, NRU MEPhI, Regensburg University
Modulation of the Hubbard interaction under the influence of the breathing mode in BaBiO3

Marychev P.M. Shanenko A.A. Vagov A.V.
Moscow, Higher School of Economics
Intertype superconductivity generated by the interaction of disorder and multi-zone structure