Scientific seminar of the Centre for Quantum Metamatirials will be held on the topic of high entropy materials as multifunctional catalysts for energy-related applications on February 27, 2025
MIEM Associate Professor A.M. Ostovari will talk about high-entropy materials, their classification and application in the field of energy storage and catalysis.
The seminar will be held at 17:00, February 27 (Thursday), 2025, in auditorium 501 (Academic Council Hall), MIEM. Everyone is invited to attend.

Dr. Alexey Vagov, Director of the Center, took part in the International Russia—Brazil Partnership Day, organized at the Higher School of Economics jointly with the Brazilian Embassy in Moscow on October 14.
This event launched the First Brazilian academic and scientific Mission in Russia, and one of its results was the signing of cooperation agreements between the Higher School of Economics and four Brazilian universities.

The Scientists of The Centre For Quanthum Metamaterials Has Joined The Russian-Chinese Scientific Project
July 16-24, the director of the Center, Professor Vagov A.V., took part in the work of the Russian - Chinese School and the symposium "Promising functional materials for quantum Nanoelectronics and Superconductivity", organized on the basis of the Beijing Institute of Technology (PTI). He presented the results of the Center's research on the properties of ferromagnetic superconducting materials.

The scientists of the Center made presentations on the results of their research on superconductivity in complex multicomponent systems during the International Scientific Conference SUPERSTRIPES
The Superstripes 2024 Conference (Ischia, Italy, June 24-29, 2024) continued the successful tradition of international scientific meetings started by the first Stripes Conference, held in Rome in 1996. The event is dedicated to the growing interest of the international scientific community in the emergence of new phenomena related to complexity in quantum matter. The goal of Superstripes 2024 is to promote the development of science and scientific culture at the highest level and unite world scientific leaders in the field of new achievements in topical topics of the science of quantum complex matter.
The scientists of the center presented the results of their research at prestigious international conference
The ninth ICSM2024-ICQMT2024 International Conference (Fethiye, Turkey, April 27 – May 4, 2024) became an interdisciplinary forum for fruitful exchange of knowledge about the latest experimental results and theoretical achievements in the field of superconductivity, magnetism, innovative advanced materials, quantum science and technology, and their applications, including related technologies.
Natalia Kononova, research assistant at the Centre for Quantum Metamaterials, has successfully passed the exams for the Graduate School of Technical Sciences at the Higher School of Economics in the educational program "Electronics, Radio Engineering and Communication Systems".
The student received the highest score during the interview dedicated to her future specialty, demonstrating the full readiness for scientific work as a graduate student. In total with the portfolio, her final scores are the best among all applicants in this field.
Dr. Pavel Marychev, the Researcher of the Centre for Quantum Metamaterials has presented the poster presentation at the International Symposium "Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics"
The impressive results of the Centre's Researchers' work were presented at the XXVIII International Symposium "Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics" in a poster presentation "Transition from type II to Type I superconductivity in dirty ferromagnetic superconductors". The symposium was held in Nizhny Novgorod on March 11 - 15, 2024 and brought together more than six hundred scientists from all over Russia, as well as from other countries. This is the largest conference on condensed matter physics in Russia, covering a wide range of issues from the physics of superconducting, magnetic and semiconductor systems, multilayer X-ray optics and quantum technologies.
The Russian and Brazilian scientists have started the joint development of a new theory of high-temperature superconductivity, which will explain the nature of recently discovered superconductors with multiple condensates, as well as the so-called topological superconductors. Mauro Doria, Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and Alexey Vagov, Director of the Center for Quantum Metamaterials at the Higher School of Economics, told HSE Daily about how cooperation will develop.
Centre for Quantum Metamaterials - 2023 Results
11 scientific articles have been published in Q1 journals, including Nature Physics and Physical Review Letters. The research results were also presented in 17 reports at leading international scientific (scientific and practical) conferences in the Russian Federation and abroad.
Artificial atoms in graphene and their collapse
At a seminar held for staff, graduate students and students of the HSE, as well as for everyone, Professor Peeters told about a very interesting phenomenon – the collapse of atoms