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Tag "Reporting an event"

Illustration for news: The scientists of the Center organized a separate session "Functional quantum materials" within the framework of the interuniversity scientific and technical conference named after E.V.Armensky/ The session is devoted to research in the fields of technology and new materials, mathematical and computer modeling, data analysis and artificial intelligence, and the use of new materials and breakthrough technologies in the creation of new generation electronic devices.

The scientists of the Center organized a separate session "Functional quantum materials" within the framework of the interuniversity scientific and technical conference named after E.V.Armensky/ The session is devoted to research in the fields of technology and new materials, mathematical and computer modeling, data analysis and artificial intelligence, and the use of new materials and breakthrough technologies in the creation of new generation electronic devices.

The session is chaired by the Chief Researcher of the Center, Professor A.A. Shanenko. 14 reports of young scientists from the HSE (Moscow), MIPT (Dolgoprudny), MEPhI (Moscow) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR, Dubna) will be presented. The session will be opened by a well-known scientist, director of the Center for Advanced Methods of Mesophysics and Nanotechnology, Professor, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Stolyarov V.S. He will talk about the current state of research on new functional materials, structures based on them and work on their application in the emerging field of superconducting electronics. Young staff and graduate students of the Center will also speak at the session.

Natalia Kononova, research assistant at the Centre for Quantum Metamaterials, has successfully passed the exams for the Graduate School of Technical Sciences at the Higher School of Economics in the educational program "Electronics, Radio Engineering and Communication Systems".

The student received the highest score during the interview dedicated to her future specialty, demonstrating the full readiness for scientific work as a graduate student. In total with the portfolio, her final scores are the best among all applicants in this field.

Dr. Pavel Marychev, the Centres' Resercher has become a participant in the HSE program of Talent Reserve

This talent management program is aimed at supporting the professional development of promising researchers

Dr. Pavel Marychev, the Researcher of the Centre for Quantum Metamaterials has presented the poster presentation at the International Symposium "Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics"

The impressive results of the Centre's Researchers' work were presented at the XXVIII International Symposium "Nanophysics and Nanoelectronics" in a poster presentation "Transition from type II to Type I superconductivity in dirty ferromagnetic superconductors". The symposium was held in Nizhny Novgorod on March 11 - 15, 2024 and brought together more than six hundred scientists from all over Russia, as well as from other countries. This is the largest conference on condensed matter physics in Russia, covering a wide range of issues from the physics of superconducting, magnetic and semiconductor systems, multilayer X-ray optics and quantum technologies.


The Russian and Brazilian scientists have started the joint development of a new theory of high-temperature superconductivity, which will explain the nature of recently discovered superconductors with multiple condensates, as well as the so-called topological superconductors. Mauro Doria, Professor at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, and Alexey Vagov, Director of the Center for Quantum Metamaterials at the Higher School of Economics, told HSE Daily about how cooperation will develop.

Artificial atoms in graphene and their collapse

At a seminar held for staff, graduate students and students of the HSE, as well as for everyone, Professor Peeters told about a very interesting phenomenon – the collapse of atoms

The Intern of the Center, Postgraduate Student Vyacheslav Neverov, Made a Presentation at the XXVII International Scientific Conference of Young Scientists

Vyacheslav Neverov made a presentati  "Superconducting transition from type I to type II from the point of view of microscopic theories" at the XXVII International scientific conference of young scientists. The conference was held on the basis of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research" - a large research center in the city of Dubna near Moscow. Traditionally, this conference gathers young scientists to discuss their research on a variety of topics related to physics and mathematics. The conference provides an opportunity for the young scientists at the beginning of their career to gain the necessary experience of speaking to a large audience and, also, communicating with colleagues.

Illustration for news: Progress in the cooperation between the Centre and Brazilian research institutions.

Progress in the cooperation between the Centre and Brazilian research institutions.

Joint research is aimed at the theoretical description of a new generation of superconducting materials and devices. Among them is the work on the magnetic response of ferromagnetic superconductors, which offers a fresh look at the phenomenon of intermediate or intertype superconductivity in various materials. Another interesting work concerns the new mechanism of the "origin of complexity from simplicity" - when a system with rather primitive interactions between its constituent parts allows the emergence of complex spatial and temporal configurations (patterns). The  article with these results were sent respectively to the editors of the prestigious journals Communications Physics and Physical Review X.

Illustration for news: Dr. Mauro Melchiades Doria, professor Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has presented a lecture for all the students and employees of MIEM

Dr. Mauro Melchiades Doria, professor Instituto de Física, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil has presented a lecture for all the students and employees of MIEM

Dr. Mauro Doria, recognized specialist in the field of new superconducting materials, has held an interesting scientific event for all MIEM employees and students - a lecture "The Origin of the Dirac Linear Spectrum and Topology "

Illustration for news: The entire range of scientific research of the Center was presented at the "8th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism ICSM 2023" in Turkey

The entire range of scientific research of the Center was presented at the "8th International Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism ICSM 2023" in Turkey

The scientists of the Centre for Quantum Metamaterials , Professors A. Shanenko, M. Croitoru and A. Krasavin, and PhD students A. Lukyanov and V. Neverov took part in the international conference "8th Conference on Superconductivity and Magnetism ICSM2023", held in Fethiye (Turkey) , May 4-11, 2023.